ECHA: SCCS publishes opinion on alpha-arbutin and beta-arbutin in cosmetic products

News Date
February 1, 2023

In light of the presented data, does the SCCS consider arbutin safe for use in face creams at concentrations up to 2% and in body lotions at concentrations up to 0.5%?
According to the SCCS, alpha-arbutin used in face creams up to a maximum concentration of 2% and in body lotions up to a maximum concentration of 0.5% is safe, even when combined.
SCCS is tasked with recommending acceptable concentration limits in the case that the predicted exposure to arbutin from cosmetic goods is deemed concerning.
Not relevant.
Given the provided data that does the SCCS consider arbutin safe for use in face creams at concentrations up to 7 

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