: Study Reveals High Allergen Content in 'Sensitive' Body Care Products: market checks conducted by German association (DAAB)

News Date
January 10, 2023

The vast majority (94%) of body care products claiming to use natural ingredients include at least one contact allergy, with an average of 4.5 allergens per product being detected in the research conducted by US dermatologists. The research also revealed that perfumes were present in many of the goods, which, along with nickel, is a frequent cause of contact allergic eczema.
Market inspections done by the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) revealed that very few "sensitive" cosmetic items really matched their criterion of being devoid of powerful allergy triggers and odours. When looking for cosmetics that are safe to use, customers should check the DAAB label and carefully match the product's ingredients list to the information in the allergy pass.

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